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I am placing my various classes' weekly lesson plan outline online to assist others who may be in a distance learning situation for the 2020-2021 school year.  It can also be helpful if you need a long-term substitute.  There will be links to various video lectures from my YouTube channel and also links to activities and PowerPoints.  If you have any questions or you need assistance, please email me at  

This schedule does not show certain vacation times, like winter break or Thanksgiving break.  Make adjustments based on your school calendar.  You may note this is a 30-week plan so you can insert more test days if need be and days off.

Week One: Intro to Psych

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments and KIM Vocabulary.

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Introduction to Psychology - What is Psychology? Discuss what students know about the field of Psychology.  What are their goals for the semester or year with this course?  Go over the syllabus. Assign Ch 1 Mod 1 (Myers Textbook)

Wednesday: Assign Famous Psychologists Group Projects

(You could also assign the timeline instead).  Go over the "Careers in Psychology" section of the PowerPoint Presentation (Slides 1-9), Read "Careers in Psychology"

Thursday: Go over Psychological Perspectives Day 1 (Slides 10-20), Wilhelm Wundt Reading, Project Work time.

Friday: History of Psychological Perspectives Lecture (Slides 21-33) and Psychological Perspectives Coloring Assignment

Week Two: Nature & Nurture

Monday: Bellringer: Play a video from the end of the Intro PowerPoint to review the perspectives.  Finish coloring assignment and have the students show what they drew and have the class guess what perspective it is.  Start Nature and Nurture Notes (Slides 1-6)

Tuesday:  Ghost in Your Genes Documentary

Wednesday: Nature and Nurture Notes (slides 7-16), Joan/John Case Reading - Social Norms Assignment (if able due to distance learning).

Thursday: Finish Nature and Nurture Notes (slides 17-28) - Dorothea Dix Readings 

Friday: Famous Psychologist Project Presentations or Test on Chapter 1

Week Three: Research Methods

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Notes on Research Methods (Slides 1-10) Read the Wells-Bradfield Study and Discuss Experiment Project 

Tuesday: Notes on Research Methods (Slides 11-28) - Read the Scientific Method Quick Read - Show examples for the Experiment Project (End of the PowerPoint).

Wednesday: Research Methods Notes (Slides 29-37), Reading on Different Types of Research Methods (Or there is a YouTube video on it), Students continue to discuss and are shown different types of experiments (End of the PowerPoint).

Thursday: Lecture Types of Studies and Ethics (Slides 38-43) - The APA and the IRB Activity.

Friday: Statistics and Psychology (Slides 44-50), Reading on Operational Definitions, Students are assigned their IRB for their Project (due next week).

Week Four: Statistics

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Correlational Studies and Ethics Lecture - Unethical Studies Activity

Tuesday: IRB Due (If you will have students write a Lit Review, assign that - due Friday, they also start collecting data for their experiment - due next Tuesday), Unethical Studies Group Activity

Wednesday: Statistics Lecture (Slides 51-58)- Present Unethical Studies - Central Tendency

Thursday: Experimentation Lecture (Slides 59-63), Stanford Reading - Experimentation Lecture with showing clips from Stanford Documentary

Friday: Work Day on the Experiment Project

Week Five: Research & Psychology

Monday: Case Study (I do this in small groups)

Tuesday: Student Presentations and Lit Review Due (end of the project)

Wednesday: (If more time for student presentations), if you do not need extra time, then show an episode of Brain Games or some of the famous psych theories. Review for Test

Thursday: Review

Friday: Test

Week Six: Nervous System

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Explain the brain project, Genes, Phenotype, Genotype Lecture (Slides 1-10),

Tuesday: Neurons Lecture (Slides 11-22), Neuron Activity (Reading and Diagram - You can also have them make neurons in class out of random items, candy, or art items).

Wednesday: Neurotransmitters Lecture (Slides 23-38), Neurotransmitter Chart Assignment.

Thursday: The Brain Documentary: What is Reality?

Friday: The Brain (Slides 40-52) - Reading "Miracle Mike"

Week Seven: The Brain

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: The Brain (Slides 53-63), Parts of the Brain Reading and Diagram.

Tuesday: The Brain, divided brain and scans (Slides 63-69) - Work time on Brain Project.

Wednesday: The Brain Documentary Episode 2: What Makes Me? or I show a video on genetics if I did not show it earlier: Ghost in our Genes

Thursday: Brain Project Presentations and Review

Friday: Test on the Brain

Week Eight: Sensation & Perception

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: If in school - Sensation and Perception Stations - if Distance Learning, have students grab household items and see what they can replicate at home.  The listening stations and others still work anywhere.

Tuesday: Sensation and Perceptions Notes (Slides 1-15), Thresholds Reading, Test Students' thresholds in class by playing music.

Wednesday: Sensation and Perception Notes (Slides 15-30), The Visual System Reading and Diagram

Thursday: Sensation and Perception Notes (Slides 31-42), The Auditory System Reading and Diagram

Friday:  Sensation and Perception Notes (Slides 43-53), The Brain by the BBC Episode 3

Week Nine: Sensation & Perception

Monday: Sensation and Perception (Slides 55-67), Bottum-Up and Top-Down Reading

Tuesday: Sensation and Perception (Slides 68-82), Gestalt Reading and in-class activity.

Wednesday: Sensation and Perception (Slides 83-87), Review

Thursday: Test

Friday: (Catch up day for days off of school)

Week Ten: Emotions & Motivation

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Motivation Notes (Slides 1-12), the Psychology of Hunger Reading, Explain Video Project

Tuesday: Motivation Notes (Slides 13-23), Reading and Skits on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (for Distance Learning, I have them make a comic strip).
Wednesday: Motivation Notes (Slides 24-27), Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Assignment and Class Chart Discussion.

Thursday: Emotions Notes (Slides 29-39), Theories of Emotions Reading & Activity

Friday: Emotions Notes (Slides 40-51), Why Are We Happy Ted Talk, Project Work Time

Week Eleven: Emotions & Motivation

Monday: Watch Inside Out

Tuesday: Continue to watch and finish Inside Out, assign reflection paper. Project work time.

Wednesday: Film Project Presentations

Thursday: Finish Film Project Presentations - Review

Friday: Test

Week Twelve: Stress & Health

Monday: Stress Notes (Slides 1-9), Ted Talk on Procrastination, Reading on Hans Selye.

Tuesday: Stress Notes (Slides 10-22), Types of Conflict Situations

Wednesday: Wellness (Slides 23-30), Wellness Challenge - Students pick an area to improve their health and document to see if there is a change with their emotions or motivation.

Thursday: Quiz on Stress and Health

Friday: (Catch up day for days off)

Week Thirteen: Development

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Development Notes (Slides 1-15), Discuss Project (You can assign either the comic book or the baby book), Start "Born to Grow" Documentary

Tuesday: Development Notes (Slides 16-37), Reading on Piaget, Work Time

Wednesday: Development Notes (Slides 38-52), Crash Course on Harlow, Discussion on Attachment and the Harlow Monkey Study.

Thursday: Development Notes (Slides 53-61), Kohlberg Reading and Class Activity

Friday: Development Notes (Slides 62-71), Erickson Reading and Activity

Week Fourteen: Development

Monday: Development Notes (Slides 72-76), Parenting Reading, Start "Surviving the Teenaged Brain" Documentary

Tuesday: Finish "Surviving the Teenaged Brain" and have a discussion on their views

Wednesday: Development Notes (Slides 77-85), Reading on Alzheimers, Projects Due

Thursday: Review

Friday: Test

Week Fifteen: Personality

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Personality- Psychoanalysis Perspective (slides 1-15) / Discussion about how psychologists look at personality, reading on psychoanalysis.

Tuesday: Personality (slides 16-21 Tat and Rorschach), and start the Personality One-Pager

Wednesday: Personality (slides 24-32 Trait) & Personality Tests.

Thursday: Personality (slides 33-43  Humanistic) & Twitter Activity

Friday: Personality (slides 44-54) & Reading on Defense Mechanisms (One-Pager Due)

Week Sixteen: Learning

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Learning (slides 1-9 General Information) & Assign One-Pager Project

Tuesday: Learning (slides 10-21 Classical Conditioning) & Reading on Classical Conditioning

Wednesday: Learning (slides 22-26 Classical Conditioning) & Reading on Little Albert

Thursday: Learning (slides 27-33 Operant Conditioning) & Operant Conditioning Reading with Comic Activity

Friday: Learning (slides 34-44 Schedules and Reinforcement) & Schedules of Reinforcement Activity 

Week Seventeen: Learning 

Monday: Learning (slides 45-49) & Super Nanny Analysis

Tuesday: Learning (slides 50-65) & Bandura Reading

Wednesday: Review


Friday: Day Off Make-up Day

Week Eighteen: Memory

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Start with students naming the 50 states, Memory PowerPoint (slides 1-10)

Tuesday: Memory (slides 11-21), & How Encoding Works

Wednesday: Memory (slides 22-27 flashbulb and photographic)

Thursday: Memory (slides 28-36 Chunking), 

Friday: Tapping Songs Activity, Memory PPT (slides 37-43 Amnesia & the Brain)

Week Nineteen: Memory

Monday: Memory (slides 44-50)

Tuesday: Review

Wednesday: Test

Thursday: Movie on Memory

Friday: Movie on Memory

Week Twenty: Consciousness

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Consciousness (slides 1-5) & assign sleep project

Tuesday: Consciousness (slides 6-11)

Wednesday: Consciousness (slides 12-25 Sleep Cycles)

Thursday: Consciousness (slides 26-33 Dreaming) & Sleep Video

Friday: Consciousness (slides 34-38 Sleep Disorders) & White Bear Experiment

Week Twenty-One: Consciousness

Monday: Consciousness (slides 39-44 Hypnosis) & Hypnosis Reading

Tuesday: Consciousness (slides 45-53 Medication) & Poster Activity

Wednesday: Consciousness Psychoactive Drugs Reading

Thursday: Consciousness Review

Friday: Consciousness Test

Week Twenty-Two: Intelligence

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Intelligence ppt (slides 1-8) - Reading on Garder's Multiple Intelligences & Poster Project

Tuesday: Intelligence PPT 9-14 or 16 depending on time -  BBC Battle of the Brains Video.

Wednesday: Finish BBC Video - Discuss Multiple Intelligences Theory - Intelligence ppt (slides 17-24) Reading on Intelligence Testing & the Flynn Effect - Discuss Flynn Effect

Thursday: Intelligence ppt (slides 25-29) & have your school psychologist or Special Education director come in to speak about the various tests if available.  Reading on Emotional Intelligence (depending on availability of a speaker)

Friday: Intelligence ppt (slides 30-33 Savants) - Movie on Savants if time - Rain Man

Week Twenty-Three: Intelligence

Monday: Continue the movie

Tuesday: Intelligence ppt (slides 34-37) & Emotional Intelligence if you have not done it already.

Thursday: Thinking and Language PPT (slides 1-8), Reading on Cognition (1) Exit Slip 1 on Cognition

Friday: Thinking and Language PPT (slides 9-17), Play a cognition game.

Week Twenty-Four: Cognition & Language

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Thinking and Language PPT (slides 18-23), play another cognition game, and complete the exit slips on cognition.

Tuesday: Thinking and Language PPT (slides 24-32), Language stations reading.

Wednesday: Thinking and Language PPT (slides 33-38) Have students describe how they learned to read in school and at home as a discussion.  Exit Slips.

Thursday: Intelligence, Thinking, and Language Review

Friday: Intelligence, Thinking, and Language Test

Week Twenty-Five: Psychological Disorders

Monday: Introduction to Psychological Disorders (slides 1-9) - Discuss why the medical model was needed - Reading on the DSM-V.

Tuesday: Introduction to Psychological Disorders (slides 10-14) - Assign One Pager Project.

Wednesday: Anxiety & Mood Disorders ppt (slides 1-8) - Watch "It's Just Anxiety"

Thursday: Anxiety & Mood Disorders ppt (slides 9-13) - Anxiety Disorders Reading & Case Studies (when all students are done, discuss the case studies).

Friday: Anxiety & Mood Disorders ppt (slides 14-20) - Mood Disorders Reading with case studies to discuss as a class after everyone is done.

Week Twenty-Six: Psychological Disorders

Monday: Anxiety & Mood Disorders (slides 21-30) - Exit Slips up to this point on anxiety and mood disorders.  Watch Crash Course on Anxiety and Mood Disorders.

Tuesday: Watch A Beautiful Mind

Wednesday: Watch A Beautiful Mind

Thursday: Watch A Beautiful Mind - Discuss the movie

Friday: Dissociative Disorders (slides 1-8) - Crash Course Episode 32 - Start Personality Disorders Readings

Week Twenty-Seven: Psychological Disorders

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Schizophrenia (slides 9-17), Finish Personality Disorders Readings and Discuss the Categories.

Tuesday: Review

Wednesday: Test

Thursday: Free Day to Add Items You Wish to Add or Jump to Therapies

Friday: Free Day to Add Items You Wish to Add or Jump to Therapies

Week Twenty-Eight: Therapies

Monday: Therapies PPT (slides 1-8) - Mental Health Professionals Reading

Tuesday: Therapies PPT (slides 9-14) - Psychological Stations Readings

Wednesday: Therapies PPT (slides 15-21) - Psychological Stations Reading

Thursday: Guest Speaker if able (therapist to explain the practice)

Friday: Biomedical Therapies Reading - Crash Course 36

Additional Days: Reading & Video on Lobotomies & Review

Next day Test

Week Twenty-Nine: Social Psychology

I use Exit Slips with my students and I also do have a textbook with chapter assignments.

Monday: Social Psychology PPT (slides 1-9)

Tuesday: Social Psychology PPT (slides 10-16)

Wednesday: Social Psychology PPT (slides 17-24)

Thursday: Social Psychology PPT (slides 25-30)

Friday: Social Psychology PPT (slides 31-35)

Week Thirty: Social Psychology






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